In Japanese 3, you will further develop your proficiency in the four language skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing) in more real-life situations.  You will also study the language as a whole through content-based themes such as lifestyle, tradition, school life, geography and traveling, and social and global issues. The themes and topics covered in this course will help you deepen your understanding of the language and the Japanese perspectives towards social issues and values.  In this course, you will have various opportunities to contact Japanese native speakers directly.  Through various activities in and out of classroom, you will acquire a more solid knowledge of grammar, vocabulary and Kanji  (about 80 more).

Image result for 日本の高校生制服イラスト  Image result for 家を訪問するイラストImage result for 日本旅行イラスト    Image result for もし世界が100人の村だったらイラスト