Hello My Name Is...

Coleen Antonio

coleen Antonio Portrait

My name is Ms. Coleen Antonio and I will be your student’s teacher this year. I would like to share a little about my background as well as my educational interests and teaching philosophy.

I have been involved in special education for most of my life, first as a sibling, then as a parent, 7 years in adult living skills training, 5 years as a paraeducator, and finally as a teacher. I have a degree in Sociology and Career Development and am currently finishing my master’s degree focusing on Special Education and Career Development. I am inspired by these experiences to do my part to ensure that students in my program develop the academic, social, technical, and self-advocacy skills necessary to pursue goals after high school including college and career options.

My classroom is a positive environment, where we minimize attention to negative behavior and maximize attention to positive behavior. Our class statement is:

“Together we create a safe, positive, productive learning community where everyone is prepared and participates. Together we create a space where everyone feels valued, respected, and included.”

I look forward to a great year getting to know you and work with you and your children; supporting them as they learn and grow. I am always available by email and am available by phone or text M-F 7am-4pm and will return emails within 24-48 hours except on weekends. Please feel free to contact me about any concern or issue you are having. We are a team, I value your knowledge of your student and their educational needs and goals and will always do my best to be responsive and supportive.

Email: [email protected]

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