We have special activities and events where students can practice the Japanese language and enjoy the culture throughout the year.  

1. Sister School Program with Washu High School in Japan
    The program was established in 1997.  Since then, we have exchanged New
    Year's cards almost every year.  We have also been exchanging a group of
students every other year.  Nine students visited Washu HS in the summer of
2019 (please check the Photo Gallery), and now we are preparing to host a
group of Japanese students from March 13 through 24 this year.  

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2. Japan Day
     We celebrated our first annual Japan Day in May, 2019.   It was a fun event
     with a lot of Japanese cultural activities and yummy food.  We also enjoyed a
     Taiko drum performance and a Koto (=harp-like instrument) performance and
     a Kendo demonstration.  (Please check the photo gallery.)
     This year, Japan Day is scheduled to be held at DHS South Gym from 11:00 till
     2:00 on Saturday, March 14.  Please join us and enjoy the Japanese culture!

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3. Activities with other Japanese high schools
We are fortunate to have opportunities to meet with Japanese high school
      students through the UC Davis Extension Center.  

     a) Fun activities are planned with students from Tokyo on Saturday, March
          28.  We will play games and other activities both in English and Japanese!

     b) Japanese 3 students are now creating a brochure to recommend places 
          and activities in Davis to Japanese students who are visiting Davis.    
     c) Japanese 4 and 5 students have been communicating with students in
          Kyoto, who will be visiting Davis in March.   

     d) Japanese 3 students will start communicating regularly with students from
         Ibaragi, Japan, soon.