Career Exploration

Check out the links below to search occupations, find jobs that fit your personality, Career Graphic
learn how much you can earn, get the latest trends in the job market, and more!

California Career Zone
Provided by the California Department of Education. Explore jobs you might enjoy, and find out how much they will pay.

California Colleges
The official source for college and career planning in California.

Occupational Outlook Handbook
Bureau of Labor Statistics resource for job earning, trends,
working conditions, training requirements, and more.

CollegeBoard Big Future College and Career Planning Guide
Explore careers with the CollegeBoard's Career Finder program.

California Career Resource Network
State of California resource for students interested in developing
career skills in today's world of work.

California Career Center
California Department of Education's career planning website with tools to help you map your future for college, apprenticeship, the military or other options.

Salary Surfer
California Community College Chancellor's Office tool that provides information about the
potential wages of graduates from a California community college.

Career GPS
One central location to find current, detailed information about which jobs are in high demand in the Sacramento Region, how much they pay, what type of education or training is recommended, and where you can go to get it. All the information you need in one place!

Intuit Mint's Salary Data

Discover the salaries for hundreds of jobs.