Academic Center

The Academic Center is a free resource for all DSHS students. The center pairs UC Davis work-study eligible students with Davis High students to offer tutoring services. The predominant work of the Center is to ensure all students receive free on-site support when needed. During the school day when classes are in session, tutors help in classrooms and return to the Academic Center during lunch and after school. 

To access the Center, students must be given a pass by their teacher to work in the AC. During lunch and after school, students may come in on a drop-in basis and work with available tutors one-on-one or in small groups. We welcome students to come, take advantage of this service whenever possible and come in for help. We hope to see you soon!

M-Th 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Fri 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Tutor Schedule: click here
Kimberly Arellano
 530-757-5400 ext. 283

Meet the Tutors

Language Support
Alejandra  Animal Science Spanish 
 Amie  Economics Mandarin 
 Ashlan Biochemistry, Molecular Biology  Spanish 
 Bryan  Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior, Chicanx Studies Spanish 
 Carolina  Human Development Spanish
 Diana Chicanx Studies, Spanish  Spanish 
 Gustavo  Mathematics Spanish 
 Isabella  Managerial Economics  
 Martha Human Development  Spanish 
 Melisa  Aerospace Science & Engineering Spanish 
 Minju  History Korean 
 Patrick  Mathematics Spanish 
 Paulina Molecular & Medical Microbiology  Spanish 
 Rodrigo Chemical Engineering  Spanish 
 Shelby  Evolution, Ecology, & Biodiversity Spanish 
 Tabatha Biomedical Engineering Spanish
 Victoria English Literature, Environmental Science  Russian 
Zachery   Sociology